Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fire and Ice...

I just love, love, love the snow!! Being from the south we are not accustomed to this beautiful, white fluff from the sky! Though from spending our first winter here last year we also found out what an inconvenience it can be. Today, however, has been a great amount! Not to much and not to kids may even be able to get a little sledding in in the morning and my hubby can sleep in!! I was really trying to capture something nice today and decided to try a little opposites attract! Here is what I came up with. I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day and stays safe and warm!!!


  1. I love this! Amazing picture and great idea!! You are very talented! I wish we got snow here. :(

  2. Thanks! I was trying to figure out how to combine the 2 elements. I tried lighting my torch but it was to wet already and would not light. These little red candles sit on my back porch, even though it was wet and icy, I was still able to get it to light. :o)

  3. This is absolutely beautiful! I love it!

  4. beautiful, your pictures are amazing!

  5. Thank you :)That really means so much!!
